Sunday 22 September 2013

The Owl.

Now for a few superstitions and stories about that beautiful nocturnal bird the Owl.

The Owl.

This bird has a reputation for being the wisest of birds and yet it has also developed a bad reputation that stems from the fact that it is a solitary bird that has a nocturnal existence.  It has been suggested that it is for this reason that it has been associated with the hours of night time when the darker forces are said to walk the earth. It has even been said that to see one during the day is a sign of bad luck. The Barn Owl is now on the Red List as a threatened species due to many factors such as loss of habitat, road accidents and changes in agricultural practice. They mate for life so the loss of a mate is devastating.

Should an owl brush its wings against a window pain or be seen perching for a considerable length of time on a roof then it is traditionally believed that illness and even death is present within.

 To look into an owl's nest is reputed to leave the observer with a sad and morose soul.

 According to an old Welsh tradition if you hear an owl hooting amongst a densely built up area then a female in the locality is said to have just lost her virginity!

A dead owl has served many purposes including mixing some of the flesh with boar's grease as an ointment to ease the pain of gout.

Owl broth was once used to feed children to avoid whooping cough according to tradition.

 The eggs were also once thought to help prevent epilepsy, bad sight (for obvious reasons) and to bring drunks back to their senses.

An Owl that enters the house must be killed at once, for if it flies away it will take the luck of the house with it.

To counter evil owl power put irons in your fire. Or throw salt, hot peppers or vinegar into the fire, the owl will get a sore tongue, hoot no more, and no one close to you will be in trouble.

When you hear an owl, take off your clothes, turn them inside out and put them back on. You might not want to do this if you are in public.

Any man who eats roasted owl will be obedient and a slave to his wife. So be sure to check the turkey this xmas??

Many people used to believe that owls swooped down to eat the souls of the dying. If they heard an owl hooting, they would become frightened. A common remedy was thought to be turning your pockets inside out and you would be safe.

Due to the Barn Owls eerie appearance, its habit of screeching and nesting in old abandoned buildings and churches people believed it was associated with ghosts and death.

Witches were thought to transform into owls and suck the blood of babies. It was believed you could discover a person's secrets by placing a feather or part of an owl on him while sleeping.

 The Custom of nailing an Owl to a barn door to ward off evil and lightning persisted into the 19th century.





Wise as an Owl.

This is a tale that I have adapted from the North American Indian tradition and it’s about the Owl.  Have you ever heard someone say “As wise as an owl”.  But you know owls are not always that wise as we are about to hear.

Once upon a time, a long time ago, when the world and all the animals were being made the owl was sat in a queue waiting to talk to god. God had already given the owl a voice, two eyes, a head, body, and strong wings but he wanted to ask god to give him a long neck like the swan, jet black feathers like the crow and a powerful beak like the eagle.

Now god was extremely busy trying to do all those things that god does but he patiently listened to the owl. He agreed to give owl everything he asked for but told him he would  have to wait his turn.

Now god had a few rules and one of those rules said that no one was allowed to watch him work and he looked at the owl and said,

“Your eyes are open and you know that you are not allowed to watch me when I’m working. Go away, keep your eyes shut and wait until I call you.  I’m busy creating a rabbit”. With that god turned to the rabbit, the rabbit was shaking and looking rather nervous, well you know what rabbits are like.  God asked him,

“What would you like little rabbit”?

“I’d like long legs and ears” the rabbit said quietly, “Oh and can I have fangs and sharp claws please, I’d really like sharp claws”

God snapped his fingers and the rabbit’s ears and long legs appeared. God then sat and stroked the rabbits ears, smiled and said,

“I think I could manage a nice set of fangs and some sharp claws”

The owl who was standing nearby hooted loudly and said,

“Stupid creature, why don’t you ask for something useful like wisdom. What are you going to do with fangs and claws”

God got rather annoyed, looking towards the owl he said,

“ I’ve already warned you, stop looking at me when I’m working. Mind your own business, be quiet and wait your turn”

The owl who was full of his own importance turned to god and with an angry glare said to him,

“Now you listen to me god, you have to give us what we ask for and I demand you give me wisdom”

“You were warned but you would not listen” sighed god.

He slapped the top of the owls head down into his body which made his neck disappear and shook the owl so much that the owl’s eyes open wide in fright. Then he pulled both the owls ears until they stuck out from his body. God then said to him,

“I’ve made your ears big so you might listen when you are told something, I have made your eyes bigger so you might see where you’re going wrong, and I’ve given you a short neck so you may hold your head still.  Your head is now packed with wisdom as you demanded so I advise you to fly away before I take back what I have given.

The owl was no longer a fool and he took gods advise and flew away as fast as his wings would take him hooting and screeching as he went.

God smiled and turned back to the rabbit but by this time the rabbit had run off, he didn’t like arguments and shouting. So he never did get his fangs and sharp claws, but maybe someday.

As for the owl, well he knew he had angered god and he also realised that if he was ever to anger him again then he would lose all that he had gained. Because of this the owl will only come out at night when he thinks that god is asleep.


I Talk With the Moon           

I talk with the moon, said the owl
While she lingers over my tree
I talk with the moon, said the owl
And the night belongs to me.

I talk with the sun, said the wren
As soon as he starts to shine
I talk with the sun, said the wren
And the day is mine.

~ Anonymous.

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