Tuesday 25 June 2013

The Fír gorta-The Man of Hunger.

                       Here is a story that we were told as children.

                                                The Fír Gorta.
The Fir gorta, The Man of Hunger, was a tall thin gaunt looking man who travelled from place to place, village to village, town to country, during the years of famine and in Ireland you never had to wait long for a famine to fall upon the land.

He would knock on your door and as was the custom, the stranger would always be welcomed and invited in for a bite to eat. As you know, during the years of famine if food existed at all it was as scarce as hens teeth so some people would run and hide if they heard a knock on the door.  Some, if they opened the door, would deny that they had anything in the house at all and some people would even run the Fir Gorta from the door.

For those who refused help to the Fir Gorta, there would be no hope for they would perish in the famine. However, there were those who would have a small piece of potato or a drop of milk, and even though it might have to do the whole family, the custom was one of hospitality to the stranger and so it would be offered to him.  He would thank them for their generosity, politely refuse their meagre offerings and take his leave of them.

Before he left them he would say,

“Because of your generosity and your honest welcome you are truly blessed this day and neither you nor your family will ever die of the hunger.  Tell no one of this, but from this day forth your pot will never be empty and your jug will never run dry”.

In the morning the woman of the house went to the pot and within it she found a great big potato that would feed the whole of the household and the jug brimming over with fresh milk and every morning from then on it was the same thing.  They survived the hunger.

We were also told to always carry a piece of bread in our pocket because sometimes when out walking the boreen’s if you felt hungry it meant that you were passing a place of famine death and if you did not eat something straight away then you might waste away and die.

The Hungry Grass was an area of grassland where someone had died through hunger during the famine. They lay where they fell as there was no one to give them a decent burial. It is said that if you were to walk over this area then you too would be stricken with the hunger.  Some may even suggest that it is a fairy curse so if you’re having a picnic or eating outside for any reason then sprinkle a few crumbs onto the ground. It will show the fairies that you are not a mean person, you see when a sign says “Keep off the grass” there may be a very good reason.
The dead have always played a central role in rural Irish folklore.
Whether as an insubstantial ghost wandering through the countryside or a walking corpse returning to torment the living.
Our former ancestors have always exercised an intense and continuing fascination for those who survive them and have formed the basis for many hair-raising tales.
The dead, it appears, will not go away.  The belief in returning ghosts, spirits or corpses may have its origin in primitive ancestor worship.  It was well known throughout the country that the dead had to be looked after at all times.  Not to do so was to invite misfortune upon yourself, your family or your community.  Nor has this belief wholly died out.
In 1993, there was a man in north Cavan who claimed that as a child he remembered the corpse of his grandfather coming back from the grave on some nights during the winter months to sit at the fire and smoke a pipe of tobacco.  He said that he also remembered actually touching the skin of the corpse and finding it very cold.
His grandfather never spoke but sat warming himself by the fire.  The rest of the family ignored this and went off to bed, leaving the corpse sitting in front of the fire.  When they got up in the morning, the corpse was gone-presumably back to its grave.  This story was borne out, without prompting, by one of the old gentleman’s sisters.

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