Monday 10 April 2017

Tales Of The Irish Hedgerows.

Tales of The Irish Hedgerows.

 Traditional hedgerows are rapidly vanishing from our countryside. With their disappearance, we lose not just their flora and fauna but also the tales and folklore that have always surrounded them.  This book records these stories before they also disappear from memory.

With chapters dedicated to specific plants and animals, we learn about the folklore of the hedgehog, the badger, woodmouse, thrush, wren, bumblebee, hawthorn, foxglove, hazel and many more. These are tales of wisdom and magic that may help you to gain a greater understanding of the natural world in which we live and which encourage us to live in closer harmony with that world. Within the pages of this book I will attempt to take you the reader on a journey through the Irish hedgerow, to a time when life was just that little bit simpler.
If, by reading this book you develop an understanding of the importance of the hedgerow as an eco-system, a treasure chest of folklore, an aid to mental well being and its role in biodiversity then I am content.  I hope that you continue your journey, as you rediscover all that our beautiful landscape has to offer you and future generations to come.

Tales of the Irish Hedgerows will be published in the spring of 2017. It is available from all good bookshops or by contacting Tony Locke by email:  Tales of The Irish Hedgerows may also be purchased on line or on Kindle.

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